Rose. The great heart healer. The nourisher. The prickly and beautiful medicine.
They say many heart healing herbs have prickles or thorns, much like us who's hearts need healing. Rose offers a softening of thorns, a breaking down of those walls we build around us. Its soft, heart shaped petals and thorns gently crack us open, allowing emotion to flow, grief to pass, love to be held.
Our beautiful Courage My Love flower essence is infused with wild rose collected on the summer solstice, in the glow of the moon. Held in that sweet pink nectar is the flower essence of several courage building herbs.
Borage for courage, Clover for resilience, Yarrow for protection, Cosmos for voice, Mullein for truth and Joe Pye Weed for trust.
Courage is not about being unafraid. Courage is being absolutely terrified, taking a breath and marching into battle regardless. It's about fighting for yourself, your neighbour or a complete stranger. It's about letting someone get close. It's about forgiveness. It's about letting go. It's about breaking down walls and running into fires. It's about slaying dragons. Courage is found in the daily grind of facing your boss or spouse or sending your children off to camp. It's also in larger societal moments of fighting for rights and freedoms. It's in fighting a fight without knowing what the outcome will be.
Breathe in courage. Soften those thorns and face that dragon. Regardless of your battle, find your resilience and voice, listen to your heart.
Courage My Love is launching in October 2021 for all of you who need support.
What are Flower Essences anyways?
Flower essences are vibrational medicine. They are made with freshly gathered or live plants, capturing their vibration in water and are used to about mental, physical, and spiritual wellness.
Dr Edward Bach, a well-known bacteriologist, physician, and pathologist, first discovered flower essences in the 1920s. Each remedy is associated with a basic human emotion.
Flower Essences are not essential oils or homeopathic remedies. They are similar to homeopathic remedies though in that they work with the vibrational energy of the plants.
Studies on Flower Essences and Anxiety
Flower essences may have benefits for anxiety. In a
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