Join us for this PRE_RECORDED six week journey as we explore what it means to have AD(H)D as a woman, what we make that mean, what emotional conflicts can fuel symptoms and tools we can use to both ease symptoms and soften our inner critic.
It's not about FIXING ADHD, but rather shifting the experience through deep self exploration, releasing self judgement, and learning to soften those swings and symptoms with tools.
You don't need to have a diagnosis for ADHD. This is helpful if you experience several ADHD symptoms including forgetfulness, overwhelm, hyperactive body or mind, difficulty with time management etc.
This program includes six videos where we explore thought patterns and emotional conflicts common with ADHD (as seen through the lens of German New Medicine), the impact of the menstrual cycle on ADHD, common habits and lifestyle choices and more. We'll cover herbs and foods that tone the nervous system while stimulating cognitive function and memory. And finally, we'll dive into using tools including Neurolinguistic Programming to help shift subtle layers so that we can grow and thrive.
Examining Perspectives ~ this is where we look into patterns of thought around our symptoms, what we heard as a child, how we feel about ourselves and more.
ADHD from the Lens of German New Medicine ~ exploring the patterns of emotional conflicts between those who express specific symptoms. We chat about Gabor Mate's work here as well! We'll explore how you can find those patterns in your own life and how you can go about softening them or downgrading them to ease symptoms.
The Nervous System ~ this module explores how our NS can be soothed and our tolerance for stress expanded so that we can prevent or downgrade overwhelm. We cover herbs and little on nutrition in this module.
Values and ADHD ~ In this module we explore our personal values and how being in conflict with our values can cause dis-regulation and overwhelm.
Menstrual Cycle and ADHD Symptoms ~ In this module, guest speaker Nikki Zavitz (menstrual cycle awareness practitioner) explores with us how and why our symptoms can fluctuate throughout the month and how cycle tracking can greatly inform and prepare us. We also touch on Peri-menopause and how that can disrupt and inflame symptoms.
Tasks ~ Beginning, the Messy Middle and Finishing ~ In this final module, we go over motivation in task management and how finding your motivation (beginning, middle or end) can be very useful in understanding dopamine release and allows you the opportunity to adjust perceptual experiences of each stage. This module has several practical tips for moving through tasks going forward.
*Be sure to check with your health care practitioner before making any adjustments to your routine. This course is not a replacement for medical advice, it is for educational purposes only.